School Education

Bringing kids closer to fresh, healthy, locally grown food

Mill City Grows launched our School Garden Program in 2013 to provide gardening and nutrition education to more than 8,000 students each year through in-school, after school, and out-of-school curricula. As dynamic outdoor classrooms, school gardens encourage students to work together to seed, nurture, and grow fresh food, and experience the growing cycle of food from seed to plate. As they tend their gardens and harvest the fresh food they grow, students are encouraged to make healthy food choices and learn core life skills such as teamwork, compassion, curiosity, and love of learning.

In 2024, we rebranded our program name to “School Education” to reflect the breadth of offerings we provide to Lowell youth. Our School Education Team is excited to work together with your students, administration, and families!


MCG School Education Program Offerings

Our curriculum is designed to empower students, teachers, school administrators, parents, and the school community to care for their garden for years to come.

After School Program

From October to June, students will use critical thinking skills and imagination while exploring the garden outside, trying new foods, and learning to support a local food system. Programming aligns with the school’s after school schedule, meeting on a weekly or twice weekly basis.

Build a School Garden

We believe that every school should have a school garden that can be used as an outdoor classroom and oasis for students and staff. We consult, design, and build a school garden that best suits the needs of each school. Students can get their hands dirty and help fill the beds with compost.

Farm to Table Cooking Classes

Sharing a meal together is one of the greatest ways to build connections and foster community. In a hands-on setting, students and their families will try new, healthy foods, learn kitchen skills, and work together to feel closer to each other, their local food system, and their school community. Classes can be hosted in select LPS cafeterias or MCG’s ROOT Kitchen in Lowell.

Farm Field Trips

Hosted on our farm on Pawtucket Boulevard in Lowell, students will discover a 4-acre vegetable farm, engage their senses with several activity stations, and taste what is in season. Field Trips are 2 hours long and can accommodate up to 60 children. Available July – November.

Harvesting and Planting Days

Spring and fall bring the excitement of planting and harvesting! MCG will spend time with as many students as possible filling their school garden with seeds and seedlings, harvesting the garden bounty, and celebrating the seasons. We will provide all necessary materials.

Professional Development and Support

We create space for teachers to grow by offering fun cooking classes, tools for garden maintenance and management, and STEM curriculum connections to the garden.

Contact us today!

Daphnne Ekmanis
MCG School Education Manager

Lowell Farm to School: Ensuring Healthy Food for Lowell Public School Students

Lowell Farm to School (LFS) is a collaboration that uses local food and education to celebrate our land, wellness, learning, collective impact and resilience as a culturally diverse community. Launched in 2018, LFS is a coalition of teachers, administrators, food and nutrition professionals, non-profits, local business, and educators including such partners as Lowell Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services (LPSFNS), Mill City GrowsFoodCorps, the 21st Century Afterschool program, and many others!

Thanks to our School Garden Program Community Partners

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