2022 Lowell Community Food Assessment
A public report on food access in Lowell, Massachusetts
The 2022 Lowell Community Food Assessment (CFA) was a collaborative project undertaken by Mill City Grows with funding, support, and participation of the REACH LoWELL initiative and the Greater Lowell Health Alliance (GLHA). This assessment evaluates the food system in Lowell, MA, determines the food security of Lowell residents, and proposes solutions to barriers and challenges to accessing food. This assessment began in November 2020, primary source research was conducted throughout 2021 and closed in October 2021, additional public data was collected at the end of 2021 and the report was written in January and February 2022.
The Lowell Community Food Assessment was written for Mill City Grows by Ali Jacobs, Francey Slater, and Emily LaBombard.

Lowell CFA Panel Discussion: Watch On YouTube!
Outcomes & Impact:
Lowell Community Food Assessment
Virtual Roundtable Discussion
presented by Mill City Grows
On April 21, 2022, Mill City Grows hosted a free, virtual roundtable discussion of the Lowell Community Food Assessment as part of MCG’s Guest Panel Series. Five guest panelists and moderator Francey Slater reviewed and discussed the results of the Lowell CFA and how this information will impact and guide citywide efforts to increase healthy food access. This event is now available to watch on MCG’s YouTube Channel.

Community Food Partnership of Lowell
The vision of the Community Food Partnership (CFP) is to promote and achieve food sovereignty through education, grassroots advocacy, network building, and inclusive community building. Food sovereignty “is the peoples’ right to healthy and culturally appropriate food, produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their food and agriculture systems.” (La Via Campesina, 2021)
To make their vision a reality, their mission is to connect Lowell eaters and growers with the knowledge, resources, and opportunities to be agents of change in shaping our food future through community-centered public policy and food system developments.
All are welcome to join public meetings and events held by the Community Food Partnership!
Other helpful links;
Food Policy Council Network »
Massachusetts Food Policy Council »